Devlog 19: The First Boss!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Endurance v0.1.5.


The main feature of this update is a new addition: bosses! Once you reach a certain threshold of points (in this testing build, 200), a collectable will appear at the center of the map called the boss spawner. Once collected, the entire screen will be cleared of enemies and a boss will be spawned. Currently, there is only one very simple boss: Chonk.

Who is "Chonk?"

Chonk, returning from the original Endurance, and currently acts the exact same way: he's large and he chases you down. After he takes enough damage (boss' health appears at the top-right corner of the screen), Chonk will get madder and speed up. Kill him to get a bunch of points!

Right now, Chonk is very simple, as all he does is chase you around. Running into him takes his health down, and running into him enough kills him. This is simply a test to set up bosses in Endurance. Later, more bosses will be added with more mechanics, and their presentation will be more dramatic (opening cutscene?, new music, etc.). I have plans to give Chonk another phase where he spawns enemies to attack the player.

That's all that's changed for now. Due to this being a very crucial update, please go give it a try and tell me what you think. I look forward to your responses. Thank you all for reading, and have a wonderful day!

EDIT: Please note that this version of Chonk is very buggy. A few bugs that need to be addressed include: being able to spawn a boss immediately after defeating one, getting stuck to a boss whilst dashing, etc. I apologize for these bugs and will promptly fix them in the next update.

- Silicontent


v0.1.5 - Windows 29 MB
93 days ago
v0.1.5 - Linux 26 MB
93 days ago
v0.1.5 - Web Play in browser
93 days ago

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